Wednesday, March 08, 2006

sad news

Tragedy! Our snow is dissappearing...Peter and I went out for a run today and the snow has turned to slush. And the snow man we built lost its head...very, very sad.

But, on the other hand, flowers are pushing through and starting to bud. Who knows if we will have more snow.

We are enjoying things here; the days are getting very busy with different courses and retreats. I have worked in the office for 3 weeks now and am getting more comfortable with my tasks. Our team is a bit short staffed, so we all do a bit of, wash-up, organizing, answering phones....anything! If anyone is bored and wants to come help, just let me know! :}


SusanaL said...

Hey Liz...Great pictures!!! Great place...We have no snow here either..i wish we did...Amsterdam looks great in white...even though i only enjoyed it for a while...

Big hug

Elke said...

Hey! I didn't know you guys had a blog! Leuk! I love seeing the pictures (good ones!) gives me a better idea of where you're at.
I'm actually happy that the snow is almost gone now, because I really really look forward to spring!
Liefs en zegen