Sunday, January 28, 2007

Molly Kay Huizenga!!!

It is very possible that I have the cutest nieces and nephews! I am not biased at all either...As many of you know and some of you don't, I have a brand new neice, Molly Kay Huizenga, born on January 4, 2007 to my bother Joel and his wife Carmen. She is so cute, and I wish I could see her...Scotland is great, but there is no comparison. You can see that Lydia and Allison are getting bigger and bigger, and now they look huge compared with the new little one...
I have more pictures to share, but will do so a bit at a time as I have been not so good at updating this has been busy... Peter and I just got back from the Netherlands to see his parents and brother's family. We had a great time and will share more in future blogs.

God is doing big stuff right now. We just had a course called "Getting to the Root of the Problem." We prayed with people on the Saturday night, and it was great to see people make choices to forgive other, and to see how much pain they were then able to let go of...I am learning more and more that when we follow God's word and commands, such as to forgive, we are more and more free. Peter and I feel so blessed that we get to be here to be apart of this, and are trying to be open as God prepares us for what is next...who know what that will be, but oh well....
I hope you are all doing well...luv, peter and liz

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