Friday, September 21, 2012

June/july 2012--trip to America!

 What an amazing time-getting to acutally spend time with my family...  Getting to go swimming, eat Dairy Queen, and just hanging out.  We had a fantastic 4 weeks, and the kids just loved playing with their cousins. 

 Ben's first birthday!  He had a bit of a cold so didn't eat too much cake, but he did love the frosting!

 Emma at Vacation Bible School--she loved it and is still singing the songs!!

 We has such a great 4th of fun to be at home and with my whole family....all 26 of us!

Samuel's third birthday!  he got a massive amount of wooden train track...I can now build the biggest and best tracks ever!!!

 Ben thought the box was his personal throne...he got a bit upset when we pulled him off!

 Great-grandma Huizenga with the kids!
 Grandma and Grandpa took Emma out for a special treat as she is starting P1...